IBM C1000-118 Exam Questions and Answers
The latest IBM C1000-118 exam questions and answers are here for you to study the test. We all know that C1000-118 exam is the new replacement test of C1000-100. In real IBM Certification C1000-118 exam, there are 61 questions, and you have 90 minutes to take the test. The number of questions required to pass is 39. The available language is English. The exam cost is $200. Free IBM C1000-118 exam questions and answers are below.
Comments (3)
The answer to this question is not correct:
2. Which of the following statements is correct?
VMware Solutions Shared is a hosted private cloud that delivers the VMware vSphere stack as a service
VMware Solutions Shared can be deployed at any IBM Cloud Data Centers
VMware Solutions Shared requires a Pay As You Go or Subscription IBM Cloud
(freedumps site says this is correct) VMware Solutions Shared is a streamlined and optimized ordering platform for VMwarecorrect
However, as you can see in explanation link that applies to VMware vSphere not VMware Solutions Shared. The answer should be “VMware Solutions Shared requires a Pay As You Go or Subscription IBM Cloud “
Thanks for your details. I have forwarded this question to our experts. They are checking now. Will response in 1-2 hours.
We have checked, the VMware Solutions Shared can be deployed at any IBM Cloud Data Centers should be the correct answer. FYI.