Salesforce B2B Commerce Administrator Certification Dumps Online
Are you familiar with the Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator certification? It is a popular program to encompass the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end use, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across B2B Commerce. There are 50 questions in the actual B2B Commerce Administrator exam. Candidates will have 90 minutes to answer them complete. The passing score should be 70%. Start your learning with the Salesforce B2B Commerce Administrator certification dumps online now. Below are the B2B Commerce Administrator free demo questions.
Comments (2)
Save yourself some time and money – these questions are not up-to-date, they include a lot of content related to Cloudcraze and answers aren’t always right. I just failed the exam, which had more than 70% questions not included in this dump and all related to B2B Lightning. I hope this helps.
We are really sorry for that. But could you please tell me which version you used?