1. Topic 1, Performance Based Questions
You have been provisioned a dedicated environment for your assessment which includes the following:
• windows Server 2019
• All software/tools/etc to perform the required tasks
• Nutanix Documentation and whitepapers can be found in desktopfilesDocumentation
• Note that the workstation is the system you are currently togged into
Nutanix Cluster
• There are three clusters provided. The connection information for the relevant cluster will be displayed to the high of the question Please make sure you are working on the correct cluster for each item Please ignore any licensing violations
• Cluster A is a 3-node cluster with Prism Central 2022.6 where most questions will be performed
• Cluster B is a one-node cluster and has one syslog item and one security item to perform
• Cluster D is a one-node duster with Prism Central 5.17 and has a security policy item to perform
Important Notes
• If the text is too small and hard to read, or you cannot see an of the GUI. you can increase/decrease the zoom of the browser with CTRL +, and CTRL + (the plus and minus keys)
You will be given 3 hours to complete the scenarios for Nutanix NCMMCI
Once you click the start button below, you will be provided with:
- A Windows desktop A browser page with the scenarios and credentials (Desktopinstructions) Notes for this exam delivery:
The browser can be scaled lo Improve visibility and fit all the content on the screen.
- Copy and paste hot-keys will not work Use your mouse for copy and paste.
- The Notes and Feedback tabs for each scenario are to leave notes for yourself or feedback for
- Make sure you are performing tasks on the correct components.
- Changing security or network settings on the wrong component may result in a falling grade.
- Do not change credentials on an component unless you are instructed to.
- All necessary documentation is contained in the DesktopFilesDocumentation directory
An administrator will be deploying Flow Networking and needs to validate that the environment, specifically switch vs1, is appropriately configured. Only VPC traffic should be carried by the switch.
Four versions each of two possible commands have been placed in DesktopFilesNetworkflow.txt. Remove the hash mark (#) from the front of correct First command and correct Second command and save the file.
Only one hash mark should be removed from each section. Do not delete or copy lines, do not add additional lines. Any changes other than removing two hash marks (#) will result in no credit.
Also, SSH directly to any AHV node (not a CVM) in the cluster and from the command line display an overview of the Open vSwitch configuration. Copy and paste this to a new text file named DesktopFilesNetworkAHVswitch.txt.
Note: You will not be able to use the network in this environment.
First command
#net.update_vpc_traffic_config virtual_switch=vs0
net.update_vpc_traffic_config virtual_switch=vs1
#net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config virtual_switch=vs0
#net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config virtual_switch=vs1
Second command
#net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config permit_all_traffic=true
net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config permit_vpc_traffic=true
#net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config permit_all_traffic=false
#net.update_vpc_east_west_traffic_config permit_vpc_traffic=false
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