8. ZYX completed the Discovery and Strategy stage one week ago. The Plan and Build stage is expected to take six months to complete. ZYX would like to put a service integrator in place before they complete the design of the detailed SIAM model
The outline SIAM model proposed that ZYXS would be an internal service integrator because of their service integration capabilities Additional staff would be recruited to provide additional capacity. The development and support staff from ZYXS would be transferred to ZYXD to become an internal service provider.
The CEO does not want to use a hybrid or lead supplier structure Because of the internal capabilities of ZYXS, no evaluation has been done for using an external service integrator
The ZYXS IT Director has just announced that she. and all ten staff identified to work as the service integrator, are leaving ZYXS in four weeks They intend to form their own company ZSSIAM, specializing in providing service integration services
OUTSCO is a global provider of a range of outsourced services They are in the last year of a 10-year contract to provide services to ZYXUK Over the last 2 years their performance has decreased OUTSCO can also provide service integration services They have a good reputation as a flexible and reliable service integrator who are willing to amend their SIAM model.
SIAMRUS is a global provider of service integration services in the manufacturing sector Their SIAM model includes a standardized process model, with every provider using the same process, a shared toolset owned by SIAMRUS, and 5 contracted service providers They recently provided an outline SIAM strategy for ZYXUK
What is the best approach for ZYX to appoint a service integrator?
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