- Exam Code Exam Name
- Exin-CDCP Exin Certified Data Centre Professional
- CDCS EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist
- VeriSMF VeriSM Foundation
- VeriSME VeriSM Essentials
- SIAMP EXIN SIAM Professional Exam
- GRITC Exin Green IT Citizen
- ITSM20FB Exin IT Service Management Foundation Bridge
- ASM EXIN Agile Scrum Master
- BLOCKCHAINF EXIN Blockchain Foundation
- ISMP Information Security Management Professional based on ISO/IEC 27001
- ITILFND ITIL Foundation
- PDPF Privacy and Data Protection Foundation Exam
- DEVOPSF EXIN DevOps Foundation
- SIAMF EXIN BCS Service Integration and Management
- MORF Management of Risk Foundation
- TMSTE TMap® Suite Test Engineer
- ITILSC-OSA ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis
- ITSM20F.EN IT Service Management Foundation based on ISO/IEC 20000
- ITIL ITIL V3 Foundation
- ITIL-F ITIL Foundation
- PR2F PRINCE2 Foundation Exam
- MOPF Management of Portfolio® Foundation
- ITSM20F IT Service Management Foundation based on ISO/IEC 20000
- EX0-001 ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
- EX0-100 ITIL foundation certificate in it service management(exin)
- EX0-101 ITIL Foundation V 3.0 & ITIL Foundation
All EXIN Exams
Do not know which exam is the best one to become EXIN certified? The following are all hot EXIN exams. These pop exams are often selected by EXIN candidates. To get EXIN certified, you can get a good job with high salary in the related industry. Itfreedumps provides the latest exam dumps questions for all EXIN tests, which can guarantee you success in a short time.